Thursday, June 21, 2012

Coffee of Jamaica
Coffee was first introduced into Jamaica from the island of Martinique in 1728. But it wasn't until the abolition of slavery on the British territory in 1838 when former slaves in the Blue Mountain began the cultivation of Jamaican coffee beans. Located at the eastern ends of the island of Jamaica runs a majestic range of hills known as the Blue Mountains. Here the terrain, the soil, the rainfall, and the thick Blue Mountain mist combine to create the perfect conditions for the cultivation of the World's famous, most distinguished and most delicious Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee. Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee has become one of the most sought after coffees in the world. Due to the demand for Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee, it carries a hefty price tag. In order for Jamaican Coffee Beans to be labeled Blue Mountain, it must have been grown between 3000 and 5500 feet in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. These mountains are the highest in the Caribbean rising to heights of 7500 feet.
Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is characterized as a mild flavored coffee without bitterness. It is certified by the Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica who monitors closely its cultivation. The board was given the authority to restrict the use of the Blue Mountain trademark by the Coffee Industry Regulation Act. Coffee grown above 3000 feet gets the Blue Mountain trademark while coffee grown below 3000 to 1500 feet will be labeled Jamaica High Mountain. The coffee grown below 1500 feet is called Jamaica Low Mountain or Jamaica Supreme.

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