Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Story of Mitalena Coffee
Coffee is a beverage that induces different desires among people. Some people drink coffee for pleasure, others for socialization, and many because of addiction. The caffeine substance in coffee is among the very few drugs without legal restrictions. During the late 1980s an alarming number of fatal accidents were attributed to driving while intoxicated (DWI). Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) initiated a movement against irresponsible alcohol consumption, and was directed toward after work Happy Hour businesses. As a result, the increased number of fatal accidents from DWI, the proliferation of white crosses on the sides of street corners, and the massive pressure from MADD, altogether made the legislators to pick up on the gravity of this phenomenon and helped to issued laws and decrees to comb DWI drivers and the sources of their consumed alcohol.
In the early 1990s an influx of new generation of educated, affluent, and young people (Yuppie) traveled oversees and experienced the pleasure of gourmet coffee in a different setting called side walk cafĂ©. This Yuppie generation along with expatriate employees of the global American companies started to distinguish the taste between gourmet Arabica coffee and regular Folgers and Maxwell House coffee. Bob and Misako Ajouz started a coffee processing business in Houston Texas in the mid 1980s under the name United Intertrade, Inc. (UNICO). Having multi cultural backgrounds, they realized in the early 1990s, the new trend and the generational change of outlook toward coffee and established a new gourmet coffee brand under the name Meridian Coffee. On July 1998 the daily grind article in Houston Business Journal attracted the attention of the newly growing Starbucks and brought a challenge to the Ajouz new gourmet coffee brand of Meridians. Facing a crippling law suite by the giant Starbucks, Ajouz decided to create a new brand name from his children’s’ initials and came up with Mitalena Coffee to accommodate a segment of the new coffee trend..
The entire idea of coffee as a morning wake up call has been transformed into a social and gets together drink instead of bear and wine relaxation time. In fact, the parent’s brand of coffee was not good enough for those youngsters flush with disposable income and memories of their European vacations, where they experienced the coffee culture of those countries first hand. That group of people started to demand higher quality coffee; that means new gourmet coffee which requires different attention to the details of coffee beans, to their place of origin, to the ways and means of storing them, and to the method of roasting, blending and packaging. Ajouz compares coffee to wine and said that a good master coffee roaster always looks in coffee for bitterness, sourness, acidity, aroma and flavor in order to determine and to achieve the required coffee blend. As a result, regular coffee brokers and suppliers in New York are no longer good enough for the quality of coffee they need.
The special attention to coffee farms, and the peculiar cultivation of coffee berries vary from country to country and from region to region within each country. Because of this peculiarity, the characteristics that differentiate the quality of the coffee beans can vary among these countries and regions. In addition to coffee farming, the methods of green coffee processing between wet – process and dry- process, and also, the special attention to the fermentation of coffee during these processes can dramatically influence the degree of quality in coffee.
In addition, the method of roasting and the degree of roast on one hand ,and the understanding the compatibility of coffee in blending, altogether, can contribute to the quality and distinct characteristics of different coffee beans.
In order to help you discern the taste, aroma and other characteristics that is unique to each different coffee bean: an understanding of commonly used terms in coffee will help you choose the coffee to your liking.

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